Saturday, August 22, 2009

Julia Child and the Bitch

I am going to continue with the blog – the lack of updates has less to do with a desire to stop writing, but a promotion at work! Which has left me with little to no time to do anything else. Mind you, that is no complaint at all, but up until the past two weeks, I am not entirely sure I understood the full meaning of the word busy.

I saw the film Julie and Julia last night – I’d read the book year or so ago and hated it. Julie Powell is without a smidgen of doubt the most unlikable woman; no I’ll say it, the most unlikable bitch in the literary world. Julie and Julia, the book, is an obnoxious look into the psychology of one woman’s self-pitying hatred. Powell is incapable of being grateful for her truly amazing husband, and cannot understand why after taking no initiative whatsoever, her acting career and life have never “taken off.” Her poorly written book and blog achieved success due largely to the context of the time in which she was writing. Blogs were new and unique in 2002 – it was much easier to achieve success in that time than now.

Yes, there is something about me that is jealous towards her success. I mean, what did she do that is any different than what I do at this very moment in time? And while I am by no means a “Pollyanna,” I did not know human beings could be so depressed and self-pitying until I read her book.

Julie and Julia is not worth reading, but the film is worth taking a glance at. The Julia Child portions are quite satisfying, thanks to another captivating and nuanced performance by Meryl Streep. And who doesn’t think that Julia Child was a fascinating woman worthy of a movie?

Oh, and, despite playing a despicable woman, Amy Adams is adorable, lovely, enchanting and talented…as always.

The question is when “Made in India” is finally purchased by Focus Features, which celebrity will have the gratifying challenge of taking on me?!?!? Share your casting suggestions, please!

Until next time, om, chanti, chanti, chanti, namaste.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid

I am not entirely sure anyone is reading my blog, so I am considering no longer writing it. Of course, the practice of writing is good for me, so in some sense, it should not matter whether people are reading. Hmmmm…if you do the read, let me know and I’ll continue. If not, I may stop.

Tuesday night’s yoga class was themed around the concept of simplification. My teacher and her husband have been living in New York City for many years now, and have initiated discussions about leaving the city. My teacher said she’s been having difficulty wrapping herself around the idea of leaving Manhattan. Her husband’s sage wisdom…

“Baby, it’s all about simplification.”

His words provided the foundation for both the class that night, and for me. The new mantra is: Simplify!

The question is how? This is my current project – what in life can I eliminate in order to simplify with the intention of finding peace?

I do not really know the answer, but I have cancelled my netflix account, plan to eliminate facebook from my life and, as previously mentioned, may no longer be a contributing writer to Made in India.

In appreciating the simpler things in life, we can eliminate the unnecessary stresses and find greater purpose and meaning. I am going to try it, and would love for you to join in my the journey as well!

Om, chanti, chanti, chanti, namaste.