Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It is the Truth Universally Acknowledged that a single gay yogi in possession of heart must be in want of a yoga class crush...

After a week of essentially non-stop celebrating, I am in the midst of what can only be described as post-celebration blues. Or the “mean reds” as dubbed by Holly Golightly. There is no particular reason for the mean reds. I suppose my feelings are natural. Last week was, of course, all about me, darling. And well, this week is just this week.

The trouble with my birthday this year is that it was, in fact, my twenty-fifth birthday; and no matter what anyone tells me, twenty-five feels old. I never pictured myself at twenty-five, but I suppose if I had, it would not have appeared as it is.

The milestone means it is time to take some initiative and make some changes – move forward. I certainly did so in the past year, so there is no point in becoming stagnant now. Any suggestions on what form that initiative should take???

I have been a compulsive reader of late – more so than usual. Just wrapped up Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which despite the oddity of the concept, was quite fun: the perfect summer read. I do not necessarily think this should become a whole series of books (Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters was just announced), but I certainly enjoyed and appreciated the silliness of this novel.

I have to say, the experience only reinforced how clever and brilliant a writer Jane Austen was. She created the most interesting and human characters in her work. I have always harbored a strong desire to live in a Jane Austen novel; in some pastoral English setting, oblivious to the state of world, completely absorbed by the relationships and gossip of my small community. Although, one could argue that is what I had in Maine, and I am the first to admit how much I did not like it. But the citizens of South Berwick are not nearly as interesting or clever as the Woodhouses or Bennets or Dashwoods!

How lovely would it be to relocate to a charming English village in a comfortable home and read and gossip and look for husbands all day?!

I saw my yoga class crush this morning at New World Plaza while I read before work. Sigh…this is the boy who never smiled back. He hasn’t been to yoga in a while. I am pretty sure I’ve never seen any human being more cute and attractive in my whole life.

I give you all love…om, chanti, chanti, chanti, namaste.

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